Friday, August 11, 2006


Of course there

are answers

in the trees, why else

would they be

there? The shapes are

answers, color

is an answer, a hummingbird

makes an answer of

noise, of speed, glass

answers slowly, the air is

a reminder

of an answer said so

early that it needs

to be

repeated now and now

again, the leaves

answer with green applause

the spaces say

please and that is also

an answer, I

try so hard to exact

things and am so

densely removed

from them, but every once

in a while I see fit

as they say, to absorb

a weightless answer, an answer without

volume, because

light is there! And all of

the sudden I am

perforated with it

and give

off a small answer of

my own, but let's

not be content

with that, let's

touch each

other and go on

stupid and wait without

the sense of our

waiting and soon

enough we can return to

our entanglements, if

only to return from there

to air, to

being of.

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