Monday, May 01, 2006


shedding the semiotic

for the seismic, working
against diminishment

I found presence to
be a form of magnetism

probably the world is too
sure about its things


Police helicopters charging
like bulls and below

the squeal
of the train’s breaks
rang to a stop

The next day the United States
postal worker riding the F was reading

Danielle Steele
staring intently

at the thin page past
his thick gold chain

Outside our bum is huffing
paint as the toddlers play T-ball

This here is a nature poem


It was the night of the executed coat
thief’s dismemberment, the night

we realized a knife is a pen
when it is inside
the body

You took me out
of the room by
the elbow in order

to conspire against what
you called the trap of the corpse

A convergence

of bodies within the body

of a makeshift box

A gift of the hand to the hand

of another out

of a love of some sort

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