11:00 now the bells complete their horizon
otherwise opening on a novel countenance
the way skin flakes to reveal the further face
cornering thought through a dim freeze
as October intrudes from its calendar crouch
to leap like a skull into a phenomenology
of wind which resorts the atoms into shiver
Does the water emanate from the body
of the earth simply to pool like words atop
the coarse beards of the sleeping elderly
grousing language wintry with brambles
but looking closer we see the fractal grace
the wisps of sound turned awry in the end
so to go darting agile in the ligature of breath
And dance is the only name left for it
this discourteous jangle of fraying nerves
as our neighbors emerge pregnant and clumsy
and beautiful in the hoar breath unfolding
of time’s veiled vesicle fart and recovery
I do believe the sun is keeping us balletic
just as the news ballistic returns in shredding
Fascicles attached loosely in the eye’s veiny
bedding or doubled again with a simple twist
of tongue which clicks damp in the mouth’s bell
of flesh I have been poorly removed while smoke
but range closer in my crumple and grief wince