Monday, June 19, 2006


No one seeks peril and yet
there it is, there is

peril in admiring the trees


To say this is real and follows
as I do is not

to say the teeth allow
the tail existence

Treasures drift by sightless but the windows

snag on our eyes
Songs snag
and our eyes are wet with it

The gusts of ghosts trouble
us toward thinking and writing

is always a ghost game

(When Spicer said poetry
is “a machine for catching
ghosts,” he also said, “sex”)


The flowers, the flowers—what
would it mean to be a bee?

To speak in swerves in
a force voice?

words make things name

One tongue travels near
the other and the whole
picture unravels

into movement—this
is not love, but it is


this is all
gossip about being

this is all

paronomasia and miasma
shaking the entirety in turn
tuning flux

and flaring at the imperceptible
fringes of collision

Monday, June 12, 2006


Sure I was a molecule
accumulating talk

I came to this wanting
to say something

small about being
with you

an awkwardness beneath gasoline
each weird hospitality flung
into the mouth of a passing bird

I woke refurbishing The Kite Wars
a rabbit, a snake
Korean Dogwood blooming

in my ears
the man loves art because
he is an egoist

in my ears
he is an egoist

Today is something thrown and awaiting



I was out interviewing clouds, amassing
the notes of a sky pornographer

as patches of the city subnormalized

by fear of fear

like a reef bleaching closed
I took to the streets
looking for a human velocity

thinking of disequilibrium

feeling heavy in the abundance
of summer light

of—this is my favorite name so



This is insect speed and we
must be legendary in our hush
corpuses thrumming open

as a patina of grief
corrodes unnoticed in a background
of yesterday’s teeth

This girl is determined to hold onto the geometry

of her love

the newspaper reads tiny coffin moves
scientists to tears
and my extravagances gather

This is deep speed or a dynamism
of the middle


to disappearance
A speed slowed to time outside


in the slick of the thing music


None of these posts actually look anything like this on the page. Lately the shapes they've most closely come to resemble are clouds, mists, miasmas. Which is good because I've been totally throttled by clouds. So, think of this stuff as the building materials and then picture them caught in an alley vortex, intermingling.